It's all pantomime at this point. The 2020 election will happen before they get to any impeachment effort even if they ever summon up the will to do so.
I honestly don't see what your objection is. Just because it may take a while to impeach Trump doesn't mean it's not worth doing. If Trump cheated to get into office - if he broke campaign finance laws paying off porn stars and/or if he conspired with the Russians to influence the elections - than he should be kicked out of office regardless if it's his first term or his second term.
Just because it may take some time to right a wrong doesn't mean it's not worth making the effort to do so. Congress has a responsibility to provide checks and balances on the Executive Branch. And I think we're all better off if we can get to the bottom of this. If Trump is innocent, than his name can be cleared and we can move on. If he broke the law, than he should be removed from office.